
Event Meet Your Maker Contest Winners

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Welcome back everyone! After weeks of deliberation, discussion, and rigorous testing, we are excited to finally reveal the winners of the Meet Your Maker: Big Team Battle Forge Contest! With over 50 submissions from a wide variety of forgers we had our work cut out for us in picking just three to showcase. The three winners listed below are in no particular order, and are considered to be on equal footing with one another. Without further ado, here are the top three maps!

Echoes - by The Grim Dealer

Echoes is a canyon style BTB map reminiscent of older designs such as Valhalla, while also taking inspiration from Halo CE's campaign spaces. Echoes...

Event Meet Your Maker Contest Update

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Greetings my fellow forgers and forge-ettes! With the release of a new forge canvas, new vehicles, and new forge options in general, the judging panel has decided to push the submission deadline for MYM map submissions back by 2 weeks. The new deadline will be set at 11:59 PM EST on July 31st, 2016. We hope this will give entrants some extra time to consider the new options at their disposal, as well as extra time to add polish to already complete designs. Good luck to all, we can't wait to see what you come up with!

For more information about the Meet Your Maker: BTB Forge Contest, follow this link.

Event Meet Your Maker: BTB Forge Contest

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Hello ladies and gentle-forgers, and welcome to the fourth iteration of the Meet Your Maker forge contest! Halo 5 introduced an incredible new suite of game mechanics, as well as the most powerful Forge in Halo history. With most players now well versed in both the gameplay and the new systems, we felt that it was time to put your skills to the test! MYM is back and bigger than ever, with judges from 3 different websites and partnerships with many more.

Reflecting this growth in scope the contest has taken on, you the forgers are tasked with tackling the largest-scale arena mode that Halo has to offer: Big Team Battle. That's right, the maps that we are looking for will be designed for full-scale, 8 vs. 8 player combat! This is an opportunity to explore the full suite of sandbox options available in Halo 5, as well as to really push the new forge to its limits. Of course, there's more to making a great BTB map that...

Event 2v2v2 Mini Forge Contest

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With today being the third anniversary of this website's relationship with the world, the number three has been a recurring theme. We'll be running a Staff vs Community game night focused on the three-base Strongholds mode soon. First, though, we'd like to announce a new mini forge contest. Great big events like the Meet Your Maker Forge Contests are good fun, but it's nice to have smaller lighthearted events like this one every now and again as well. These mini contests will tend to focus on more niche experiences and won't be taken too seriously.

Ending just in time for a Bring-a-Valentine game night to christen the maps, the 2v2v2 Mini Forge Contest will be a fun, low-stakes event which tasks entrants with coming up with fun maps for a unique mode of their choice. Whether it's a triangular battleground for vehicle shenanigans or Sweat City: the hottest 2v2v2 Slayer map of all time, it's fair game as long as it's designed around...

Srs Bzns HaloCustoms Map Design Competition Results!

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Hello, denizens of HaloCustoms! After long hours of heated discussion between our judges, the results are in!​

...Is what I would like to say. I don't have the luxury of doing so this time around, though. Sadly, this competition saw unexpectedly low results despite its initial reception. In fact, of the 44 members that entered the competition, only 5 of them submitted their designs within the time period. While those designs were all commendable, we were naturally given less quality control with so few submissions to choose from. Don't fret, though! While there was indeed a small pool of designs, we did still select the two that we felt were the most well-designed and solid. Without further ado, here are the winners of the HaloCustoms Map Design Competition...

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