Introduction CHa0s doin' it Oldschool


Here is my smokin sig: since I can't use it in my posts I'll use it as a banner ;)

-Name, location, age: CHa0s, NW United States, adult female
-Gamertag: AddiCt3d 2CHa0s
-What you like to play?: I play Halo. I prefer simplicity to crazy customs, but enjoy them occasionally.
-What you do in the time you're not playing games?: Read, hang out, make jewelery, make machinima
-What is your favorite color?!?: Black
-Whatever else comes to mind!: I'm running customs every week that are more "Oldschool". So I've been setting up Halo 4 maps and gametypes that keep a balance that feels more like Halo 3, instead of a crazy custom, like what you get in Dominion on Meltdown with three Binaries killing you simultaneously.

We haz achieved Neutral Bomb! (or as close as we can get ;))

I also am the owner and administrator of Halo Diehards, and post up quality Halo content on the site and in my Twitter @HaloDiehards. I'd like to get to know some really cool maps and help give the makers the props they deserve!

We are also making machinima over there which can be found on YouTube, where I also try to give props to quality Halo entertainment by liking and posting quality content I see there on my site and on Twitter.

I'm very competitive and would like someday to train with a team to compete in leagues and ladders, but I also am friendly, value friendly people, and love to laugh.

Hey, I just noticed, your website is kinda minty-chocolate too!

Looking forward to getting to know peeps around here and seein' what's going on ^^
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