Attack/Defense Gametype Help


Jun 8, 2013
Hi all. For some time now I've been working on a map, and trying to find the right gametype to go with it.

The basic idea is this; there is a base on the ground, and a ship in the air close by. Red Team has to defend the bridge of the ship, Blue Team attack. Both sides have Banshees, so hopefully there will be a lot of dogfights in the air before Blues land on the ship. Blue's base cannot be attacked (and Red's inside become sitting ducks for the spawning Blues to kill), but Red's ship is practically MADE to be attacked (as it's the premise of the whole game).

Currently, the gametype used to create the whole attack/defend scenario is Dominion. To increase the amount of Banshees in the game, I used Dominion vehicle pads. For Red's defenses, I added Dominion turrets. Red has a Dominion Console in the bridge, Blue has one in the middle of the base. The problem is, this is a very broken way to go about making the gametype, as Blue's console can still be captured (albeit it will be very difficult for the Reds to pull this off). The idea is for the Blues to capture the Red Dominion Console, then kill off the Reds in Last Stand. This would be great, if the Blues didn't have a Console that could be attacked.

Could anyone help me think of a better way to go about this? Maybe some type of CTF variant?

Thanks in advance.


Feb 2, 2013
If you want to stick with dominion you can try putting blue shields around the blue console with 1 second respawn and a trait zone that has 0% damage and 0% melee that only affects the red team. That way only blue can access it. The next best thing would be this 1 flag gametype.


Jun 8, 2013
If you want to stick with dominion you can try putting blue shields around the blue console with 1 second respawn and a trait zone that has 0% damage and 0% melee that only affects the red team. That way only blue can access it. The next best thing would be this 1 flag gametype.
Right now, the entire Blue Base is Red-proof. Movement speed, jump height, damage output, AA use, everything is reduced, but it's still possible, if barely, for a Red to sneak by and cap the Blue's console.

I've been thinking of using some kind of 1-Flag Speedflag variant, and treat it similar to One-Sided Assualt (Red's flag is at the Blue base, they take it to the Red's bridge to cap).