[Apr 27, 2013] BIOC Lobby - The Latest and Greatest Flood Maps with Elliot (El Trocity)

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Yorkshire Pudding Guru
Jan 10, 2013
York, United Kingdom

Hey everyone!
Welcome to my BIOC Lobby for Saturday 27th April

Elliot's Lobby - The Latest and Greatest Flood Maps with Elliot
Host's HaloCustoms username: Elliot
Host's Gamertag: El Trocity
Day of hosting: Saturday 27th April
Start Time: 4:00 PM (West Coast) 6:00 PM (East Coast) 11:00 PM (UK)
End Time (approximately): Around two hours later
Description: A collection of maps from the BIOC Map Database along with any maps that need testing and anything that you want to play. Flood only.
1. Our Daily Bread
2. Anything you want to play
3. Testing
4. To The Stars
5. Station 92 - By The Zip Zap Zop (Our current Front Page Featured Map!)

We'll play what YOU want to play!
According to BIOC standards, you can also submit a map, whether it is for testing or just something that you enjoy. We have four major rules that you need to keep in mind:
1. The map has to be a Survival Infection map. Click for more information. It pretty much it means: No mini-games.
2. You need to submit your map in the same comment as your sign up. Give details such as the name and a brief description.
3. You have to attend at the lobby in order to get the map played.
4. You have to make sure that the map is in your fileshare by the time of submitting it, so we can download it. I will NOT promote you to leader.

1. Signing up means showing up. If something important comes up, let me know.
2. You may not ask to be promoted to leader. (This does not count for co-hosts.)
3. Players that are in a different party chat or do not have a microphone are more likely to be kicked. Having a mic is a lot more fun for all players, including you, if you can talk with each other and with the host.

How to join
In order to be able to join this lobby, there's one final thing you have to do.
You must make sure to send the following message to me on Xbox Live (El Trocity), 15 minutes before my lobby begins:

inv BIOC

Finally, please rate this lobby once it’s over. It will help us to get more and better lobbies in the future. (Obviously this means you also have to use the RSVP-function, so don’t forget about that either.)

Head to our Front Page to find all of our upcoming lobbies and our latest map feature.

That is all! See you in my lobby!
- Elliot
Jan 30, 2013
I saw all those Modded Gametypes and thought aw Hailz to the ya
We actually haven't used the Flood 2.0 variants yet, it's gonna take awhile for people to upgrade their gametypes if they choose to. Not to mention there may be a major update to Flood 2.0 EX that will replace all of them yet again, but custom games should be 93% restored if that happens.


Jan 1, 2013
Hey Elliot. You should save a copy of Station 92 without the FX. People complain that it's really dark.


BIOC Leader, Flood Guru
Jan 1, 2013
This was one awesome lobby. My friend and I had a lot of fun, especially on Our Daily Bread.


BIOC Leader, Flood Guru
Jan 1, 2013
Already told you on Skype, Elliot, but for anyone who's interested, this is my story of the lobby:

"Dude, your lobby yesterday was awesome!
I was playing with my friend Tim while the other two friends were playing League of Legends together. Normally Tim's pretty bad at Halo and he's anything but competitive (he likes minigames better than anything else), but he really liked the Flood maps we played and we both had a great time. He especially liked Our Daily Bread, both the gameplay and the concept itself. We were discussing the teamwork and we were helping each other out and directing each other and stuff. Furthermore he also liked playing on 8 O'Clock Reminiscence and To The Stars as well because of the great warthog gameplay. Especially the part where you were driving on TTS because of all those hidden shortcuts and stuff. And he thought Station 92 was really good too, the train feature was awesome he said and it was a very scary map.
The only map he didn't like that much was The 4th Kind because he doesn't really like dark maps (He doesn't like Destitute in Chains either), but all the other maps were really good in his opinion.

So, somebody who barely plays Halo and doesn't really enjoy competitive Flood that much, had a great time yesterday thanks to you man." :)
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