Halo Halo 5: Guardians Discussion

Jan 10, 2013
The Union of Scree

With the brand new announcement of Halo 5: Guardians the other day, I think we can start to see the scope at which they are aiming with for Halo. Ross stated that Halo has always pushed the Xbox forward but what exactly does that entail?

We have speculated and made wishlist's of what we want to see and what we think will happen. And after reading the announcement on Xbox Wire, I think we have underestimated what the Xbox One can do. I think our speculations have fallen short of the realities of what the Xbox One can achieve.

We all have made "realistic" speculations of what we think can be only achieved with having seen last gen hard ware and what current Xbox One games are showing. But honestly, I don't even think games like Titanfall and Battlefield 4 come close.

We have yet to experience it for our selves but Destiny is really shaping up to be something else. And what we have seen of Destiny has been most impressive and has given us some high hopes of what to expect out of the PS4 and Xbox One.

So let's set our sights on Halo. What do we think we can expect? Well I have talked to people about this before and to give some insight of what I think the Xbox One can achieve, I am going to refer to the Forge.

Now with every installment of the game, we have watched Forge evolve and get better. But what I think will be added into Halo 5 is a terrain editor. Now there are those who have said that having both a terrain editor and map editor is impossible and I know some have wanted more natural pieces such as Hill1, Hill2, etc, but seriously, the Xbox One HAS to be able to run both a terrain editor AND a map editor.

We have all, I think, seen terrain editors. A couple of examples are Far Cry and, I don't know how many people will remember this one, Pariah. Terrain editors are quite simple to put in. Hell, even if all it does is raise surfaces, flatten surfaces, and creates tunnels, adding it to Forge will give us exponentially more ways to create a map.

And not to mention the ability to theme a map. I think the hardware would allow us to create biome's on maps. Like say I only want certain area's to have a snowy theme and others a taiga theme, I should be able make it transition between each. And then from either one of those, to an interior of a ship. And hell, even make it themed at night!

Now I realize that a lot of this is far fetched but I really believe the Xbox One is capable of doing all of that and much more.


Now I want to take a look at the cover art that has been presented to us. If you take a look at the left breast of this unknown spartan, you might be able to see the emblem of ONI. Now my speculation is that this spartan is the antagonist, hunting down Master Chief for what ever reason. I also will throw this out there but I think he will either be killed by Chief, or learn some hidden truth and help him.

Now I know that a lot of what I have said is really far fetched but I really think this is true for now. So enough of me rambling, discuss.

Oh and one more thing, if you come across any new information or "leaks" that I haven't covered, please comment a little bit about it below with a link to the site. And please, NO SPAM.

UPDATE 5/20/14: Frank O'Conner has announced that Halo 5 will have plenty of "strong female characters." What does that mean to you? To me that means we will see more of Sarah Palmer and Doctor Halsey. It wouldn't be crazy after how they ended Spartan Ops now would it? And another thing I want to mention, do you think that at some point you will be able to play as your spartan at some points in the campaign, similar to that of Reach?

UPDATE 5/22/14: I just saw something (via the ever interesting shoutbox) containing supposed Halo 5 leaked information. Now I took a look at this and if you don't want to read it, I can pretty much sum this "leak" up.
  • Missions will take any where from 2-3 hours long
  • Halo 5 will come with 24 maps, 4 remakes
  • halo 5 will also have a "Firefight" mode. Basically, AI can be run on any MP map
  • Many Forerunner weapons are being retired along with the DMR (NOOOOOOOO :()
  • A bunch more human vehicles along with a few Premethean
  • Didact is alive
  • Will play as Chief, Arbiter, and a "Forerunner spartan" depending on the situation (kinda like GTA V)
  • Campaign is going to be split into three parts as DLC (source is unsure if you must pay for it)
  • Dedicated servers and 60FPS (we already knew about this)
  • Halo 5 was supposed to launch this year
  • Customs a lot more customizable
  • No more custom classes
  • Multiplayer was finished in the fall of 2013
  • 8 players for firefight and campaign
  • Player count could be boosted to 24 or 32 players for customs and matchmaking
  • Every game type from every Halo game
(If you want to see what O'Conner has said about this, click here)

Now i'm not entirely sure what to make of all of this. It really is a lot if it is true. So at the moment I am going to treat all of this as speculation rather than actual information due to the fact that it will probably change. What are your thoughts on this? Do you think some of these things are good ideas? Comment your thoughts below.

UPDATE 6/13/14: Now I know I am a bit late with this (as I wasn't originally going to talk about this here), but The Master Chief Collection was announced earlier this week by 343i at E3. For those of you who are just now (somehow) hearing about this, MCC is going to have ALL campaign missions and ALL maps (including DLC and I think the majority of PC maps) from Halo Combat Evolved, Halo 2, Halo 3, and Halo4, all running on their respective engines at 60fpsand 1080p. Not only that but also extended cut scenes, Halo: Nightfall live action mini series, and Halo 5 beta. All. On. One. Disc (and menu). Halo 2 will also receive a visual boost like Halo CE Anniversary did and Halo 2 will receive the forge 6 Halo 2 maps are being revamped (thanks to JL1223 X for pointing that out to me). Now that we know this, it opens up a whole new avenue of what we know the Xbox One is capable of.

UPDATE 8/12/14: It has been two months since we have had any more Halo 5 news (unless I missed it and it din't blow up my Twitter feed) and Microsoft has had a special announcement for Halo: The Master Chief Collection and Halo 5: Guardians. We now have official start and end for the Halo 5: Guardians Beta: December 29 - January 18. The Beta will run 4v4 arena style gameplay (as of writing this, I know of no specific gametypes have been revealed) that won't have those pesky loadouts like Halo 4 decided to have.

UPDATE 10/13/14: With TMCC only a month away, IGN has been doing some extensive coverage of the game. If you want to talk TMCC, visit here. but what does this mean for Halo 5 news? It means it is a little dry. But 343i has been kind enough to let a little bit of info out. And by a little bit I mean a droplet possibly so insignificant that if you were dying of thirst, it wouldn't save you. 343i stated that Agent Locke is just "a" playable character but the game will still focus on the Master Chief. What does this mean? Just a confirmation that there will be more than one playable character for the main game. There. Have fun. Speculate away (only 110% true speculation allowed)!

UPDATE 11/23/14: Here are some videos for your viewing pleasure from ReadyUpLive:

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Apr 17, 2014
The supposed leak I discovered was recently made around the time Frank O' Connor made a statement about his distaste in leakers. Not sure if this gives credibility to the interesting post.
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Dec 23, 2012
New York, New York
While it sounds awesome, I'm not sure I buy it. This sounds like the kind of thing where kids jot down all of the cool things they can come up with, and then write them down pretending to be official (the overuse of "all" and "every" in particular tends to imply it). While most of the stuff described sounds awesome, knowing the complexity involved with programming I find it hard to imagine that there's actually anywhere near that much new stuff in it. But hey, who knows right? :p
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Jan 10, 2013
The Union of Scree
While it sounds awesome, I'm not sure I buy it. This sounds like the kind of thing where kids jot down all of the cool things they can come up with, and then write them down pretending to be official (the overuse of "all" and "every" in particular tends to imply it). While most of the stuff described sounds awesome, knowing the complexity involved with programming I find it hard to imagine that there's actually anywhere near that much new stuff in it. But hey, who knows right? :p
It really does seem to be too good to be true. But it does raise interesting points. Is the hardware able to do some of these things? Such as AI on ALL MP maps. I personally have been waiting for this for a very long time (providing it is true of course).


Dec 23, 2012
New York, New York
It really does seem to be too good to be true. But it does raise interesting points. Is the hardware able to do some of these things? Such as AI on ALL MP maps. I personally have been waiting for this for a very long time (providing it is true of course).
Back in the day, practically all games had AI on all maps, however the AI was exceptionally bad. If you opened up the maps in a map editor like GTK Radiant, you'd see that all it was was a bunch of "bot paths" (basically imagine railroad tracks, paths that bots follow to get from any point X to any point Y) with a poorly designed "intelligence" on top (aim at player, use statistics to determine where you shoot and when, etc). So, while AI is quite easy to do on all maps, making a decent AI is the hard part. I believe the XBO can easily handle it, the question is more if 343i has the time or experience to make it happen reasonably well.
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Sgt x Slaphead

BK Forger Extraordinaire
Feb 18, 2013
Well from the sounds of things, halo 5 was supposed to launch this year but because it is launching next year, it sounds like they now have the time.
Was Halo 5 ever meant to launch this year? Next to everyone will say Halo 5 was delayed but I assumed they would take 3 years like the main Halo games took 3 years each to make. Halo 2 Anniversary isn't a bad idea at all either. I am surprisingly optimistic about Halo 5 despite the failures of Halo 4. They only had 2 years development because they were forced to release 2012. I doubt Microsoft wanted a Halo game coming 2013 so close to the next console. A Halo every 2 years would have been bad in the long run. We can only hope with the extra time, technology and lessons learned from the last game that Halo 5 will be awesome.

Yes Forge... There are a lot of things people want from Forge for many different reasons. I have even heard some people say they don't want a terrain editor which makes no sense to me. As long as they do not take away from the simplicity of Forge I see no issue. If it did get complicated they could add a basic editing (which would be like what we have now) and an advanced editing (which would include all the terrain editing).

Of all the fantastic ideas people have had I just want a system based on performance and not the ridiculous budget system. Lighting is a massive issue also. These are matters which have been discussed well enough though.

AI would be great but it is not the priority. The core systems of Forge need to be reworked before further additions are considered.
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JL1223 X

Feb 14, 2013
Hong Kong
My hope for Halo 5 Guardians, is having a appreciative fanbase this time instead of complaining everytime.
If it weren't for the complaints people wouldn't appreciate anything made because it'd still be the same crap with no improvements.

Complaints and competition drives improvement.

I hope the user interface isn't stupeed.
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Jan 10, 2013
I heard that there will be two types of multiplayer. #1 is Halo Arena ( or something along those lines), which is basically the multiplayer we all had experienced. The other is Halo Battlefield (not finalized name), which is basically a BTB Invasion like game with 32-64 players.


Propane Specialist
Staff member
Jan 10, 2013
United States
ALL maps (including DLC and I think the majority of PC maps) from Halo Combat Evolved, Halo 2
All Halo 1 PC and Halo 2 Vista exclusive maps are now confirmed for H: TMCC. Tombstone, which was exclusive to Halo 2 on Xbox will be included too.

I read from places that it isn't Halo 2 that gets forge, but JUST the revamped maps, which will also run on a revamped engine instead of Halo 2's engine itself :/
It would make sense that the forge would only work on the remastered maps since they are on an updated engine that supports forge.

I would just like to make sure that all speculation in this thread is 110% true speculation. That is all.
dux phil knows all
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Jan 10, 2013
I heard that there will be two types of multiplayer. #1 is Halo Arena ( or something along those lines), which is basically the multiplayer we all had experienced. The other is Halo Battlefield (not finalized name), which is basically a BTB Invasion like game with 32-64 players.
And this is from the Leaker that leaked most of MCC and Halo 5 stuff that all of it was true

aligator ac

Jan 10, 2013
United Kingdom
If it weren't for the complaints people wouldn't appreciate anything made because it'd still be the same crap with no improvements.

Complaints and competition drives improvement.

I hope the user interface isn't stupeed.
Not the type of complaints I was referring to. I mean complaining about something, you get exactly what you wanted but then you don't like it(eg. Forge Island).

JL1223 X

Feb 14, 2013
Hong Kong
Not the type of complaints I was referring to. I mean complaining about something, you get exactly what you wanted but then you don't like it(eg. Forge Island).
Except that's two different sides of the community. As an example, "Forgers" is a generic term - Forger A might want a large flat canvas, while forger B might've preferred to make maps on a canvas with some terrain.

You can't please everyone; what you do for one side may very well be neglecting the wants of another side. Inherently this is in a video game, and again, inherently it'll lead to improvements as both sides try to get a midpoint that lets us have as much of what we want as possible.
Jan 10, 2013
The Union of Scree
Except that's two different sides of the community. As an example, "Forgers" is a generic term - Forger A might want a large flat canvas, while forger B might've preferred to make maps on a canvas with some terrain.

You can't please everyone; what you do for one side may very well be neglecting the wants of another side. Inherently this is in a video game, and again, inherently it'll lead to improvements as both sides try to get a midpoint that lets us have as much of what we want as possible.
I do want to point out, Forge Island pleased the forger who wanted a flat surface to deal with. If someone wanted more terrain then they can use Ravine