
H2A Welkin

Minimum Players
Maximum Players
Forge Canvas
Skyward (H2A)
Supported Core Gametypes
  1. Slayer

Hey guys, I'm here to finally release my 1v1 submission, (Christopher) Welkin. This map has been a great experience for me; I stepped out of my general comfort zone by trying out a style I could never really get in to. I started off with height and openness in mind, along with the map itself being fun to traverse, while simultaneously being risky.

Welkin is fast paced and a ton of fun. Flanking, juking, dropping, jumping... Falling...
Basically, each time you play, you find something new to use against your opponent. Using these jumps and drops in different ways will help you shake up that red/blue bastard's mind, making their brains turn to mush because you were just "there," but now you're over "there?"

Sniper Rifle: 90 seconds: 0 spare mags
Sniper Ammo: 60 seconds
Sentinel Beam: 90 seconds
Carbine: 2
Plasma Pistol: 45 seconds
Plasma Grenades: 4...... 45 seconds

Thanks to Whos Blaze for helping with the build, Psychopoop for the screenshots and testing, and many more for their support and falling off many, many times...

I'm probably on some leaderboard, so do some detective work, or add me. :)
First release
Last update
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