Halo Halo 5 Vehicle Wishes- New, Old, or Both?

What past or new vehicles do you wish to see in Halo 5 Multiplayer?

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Jul 28, 2013
I don't know bout all you, but I am a big Halo vehicle user. Doesn't matter what it is, I'll drive\fly it into combat, and I'm pretty good at it. If I have to, I'll take a Mongoose into the middle of the enemy team just like that. Working with my team in vehicles is the highlight of the multiplayer for me.
I was pretty disappointed at the fact that Halo 4 actually had the same vehicle list as Halo: Reach, minus the Falcon. I bet some of you feel the same. So here's my question: what new or past vehicles would you like to see in Halo 5?
In my opinion, they should bring back the Hornet and Falcon, scale back the Mantis because it's way overpowering sometimes, add a human counterpart to the Banshee (maybe a small fighter jet), maybe a new Covenant aircraft similar to a Phantom or just a two seater, and do something none of the previous Halo games: add boats and other water vehicles.

Let me know what you think, feel free to give your own ideas
(P.S. I apologize for the excessive choices in the poll, I just want to get a feel on how everyone would feel about these)
EDIT: I was wrong saying Halo 4 had the same vehicle list as Reach, I completely forgot about the Mantis. I apologize for the mix-up
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Jan 12, 2013
Lincolnshire, UK
The only thing I agree with here is bringing back the Falcon. The Hornet felt a little too OP for my liking.
The Pelican/Phantom would only really work if there were huge Battlefield sized maps, otherwise, it would be too large to actually be viable.
I don't think with need another fighter-esque aircraft, seeing as the Banshee fills that gap rather too well. Also, even though it's not very likely, there's nothing stopping 343 from introducing another Covenant air vehicle.
Finally, there's is no way that aquatic vehicles are going to appear in Halo. The reason being that space travel is relatively easy in the Halo universe, and that the UNSC are fighting enemies with highly advanced technology and far better ships and weapons, so boats would effectively be useless.


Jul 28, 2013
The only thing I agree with here is bringing back the Falcon. The Hornet felt a little too OP for my liking.
The Pelican/Phantom would only really work if there were huge Battlefield sized maps, otherwise, it would be too large to actually be viable.
I don't think with need another fighter-esque aircraft, seeing as the Banshee fills that gap rather too well. Also, even though it's not very likely, there's nothing stopping 343 from introducing another Covenant air vehicle.
Finally, there's is no way that aquatic vehicles are going to appear in Halo. The reason being that space travel is relatively easy in the Halo universe, and that the UNSC are fighting enemies with highly advanced technology and far better ships and weapons, so boats would effectively be useless.

I agree with you on the Pelican\Phantom thing, but I decided to put it out there for the sake of just seeing how that would be accepted.

A human aircraft similar to the Banshee but maybe with different weapons or proficient in a certain area like targeting infantry could just bring some variety to the game, I get tired of the Banshee staying the same, but unfortunately nothing else has been introduced like it. It's just a hope, if not that realistic.

I mentioned the boat thing because when Bungie was making Halo 2 or 3, they had concept art for aquatic vehicles that never made it into the games. But 343i has made concept art from Bungie a reality in Halo 4, the Railgun is an example of that. There's nothing really stopping them from doing it again, and aquatic vehicles would be something that people could get excited about. Again, if only to add variety.

I would like to hear a bit more about how the Hornet is too overpowering. When I've seen it used in large games, it's seemed fairly well balanced, all it takes to take it down is concentrated fire or a power weapon like the rocket launcher.


Jul 28, 2013
I want to see some Forerunner vehicles.

Agreed, they should make maybe a motorcycle-type thing, aircraft, or a tank. That would be pretty nice and would help fit in with all these Forerunner-themed maps 343 seems to like to put out, like Meltdown. Wish I could change the poll options to include that, but it's too late now:mad:
Feb 1, 2013
i accidently voted for the pelican and phantom
because i thought it was what air vehicles do u want
in the next halo so imagine they both still have 0 votes


Jan 12, 2013
Lincolnshire, UK
I would like to hear a bit more about how the Hornet is too overpowering. When I've seen it used in large games, it's seemed fairly well balanced, all it takes to take it down is concentrated fire or a power weapon like the rocket launcher.

Compare it to the Falcon. The Falcon requires teamwork to utilise it correctly, as in one pilot and two gunners. However, the Hornet only needs one person to use the homing missile launchers and gatling guns, and that's excluding the passenger seats on the side, which can effectively make the Hornet a flying fortress.


Salad Snack
Jan 26, 2013
Compare it to the Falcon. The Falcon requires teamwork to utilise it correctly, as in one pilot and two gunners. However, the Hornet only needs one person to use the homing missile launchers and gatling guns, and that's excluding the passenger seats on the side, which can effectively make the Hornet a flying fortress.

The banshee may not have a homing missile or passenger sits but take away both of them from the Hornet and the Banshee and Hornet are in the same boat.
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Feb 1, 2013
Compare it to the Falcon. The Falcon requires teamwork to utilise it correctly, as in one pilot and two gunners. However, the Hornet only needs one person to use the homing missile launchers and gatling guns, and that's excluding the passenger seats on the side, which can effectively make the Hornet a flying fortress.

just get rid of the missiles and dont forget half the people will have pp


BIOC Leader, Flood Guru
Jan 1, 2013
Falcon for the win!

It's like a flying Warthog. A flying Warthog. A flying Warthog.
And it has two guns, double the fun.

They could bring back a Chopper like vehicle, but then something Forerunner/Promethean. I'm sure 343i can think of something cool to make it work storywise.


Apr 16, 2013
I would prefr a hornet to a falcon.
Reason 1
The hornet is/was smaller and so easier to fit into maps.
Reason 2
Rather than having two gunners seats the hornet had passengers seats meaning that it could be used to transport flag carriers etc.
Reason 3
As the hornets weapons are operated by the pilot, like the banshee, if you end up stuck with a team of noobs you can still put up a decent fight, whereas with the falcon you either had to wait around for passengers or fly around helpless until you got boarded plasma'd etc.
Reason 4
Yes the hornet was a bit op in halo 3 but now the plasma is better and you get to spawn with one if you want, I'm sure the hornet would become toned down and easier to kill in the sae way that the banshee has.

On the subject of boats the best argument presented here for why they won't feature is that they would be redundant in the world of halo. I.e. if you have spaceships why do you need primitive boats.

Well let me counter. If you have spaceships why do you need primitive car-type vehicles or even quad-bikes? because spaceships can't fly everywhere, or a smaller less detectable vehicle is needed, or resources are limited and the spaceships are needed elsewhere.

You see, it would be possible to make boats fit into the halo universe, maybe via campaign. And once they're in there they would become a great addition to custom maps games etc. And would provide a greater level of depth to the halo universe in the same way that mongeese have.


Jan 12, 2013
Lincolnshire, UK
I would prefr a hornet to a falcon.
Reason 4
Yes the hornet was a bit op in halo 3 but now the plasma is better and you get to spawn with one if you want, I'm sure the hornet would become toned down and easier to kill in the sae way that the banshee has.

That really isn't a good reason. I can see what you're getting at, but it's effectively saying 'it's not OP, because we have weapons that ruins vehicular combat'.

I'd still prefer the Falcon over the Hornet because, REMKings said, it's like a flying Warthog, and like the Warthog, needs actually teamwork to utilise fully.


Salad Snack
Jan 26, 2013
That really isn't a good reason. I can see what you're getting at, but it's effectively saying 'it's not OP, because we have weapons that ruins vehicular combat'.

I'd still prefer the Falcon over the Hornet because, REMKings said, it's like a flying Warthog, and like the Warthog, needs actually teamwork to utilise fully.

I'll just say one thing, the Banshee. It requires no team work , it easily destroyed a falcon if you weren't talking to your team ( and by this I mean randoms that have the time don't have a half assed idea of how to play ) and finally it requires large maps to make it effective.Now that last point isn't necessarily but it does make it harder to fit into a competitive sandbox. If you take away the hornets homing missiles and maybe the passenger seats then its basically a human banshee and it would allow for some decent combat that doesn't require luck of the draw team mates.


Apr 16, 2013
One point I would like to make, correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't the banshee sort of have homing missiles, albeit not as powerful as the hornets. So rather than getting rid of the hornets missiles why not nerf them to a level more similar to the banshees.
Because then banshee vs hornet, would become passengers seats vs boost and dodge, not flying aircraft killer vs aircraft.


Apr 16, 2013
On a different subject, promethean vehicles.

Someone earlier in this thread suggested a promethean "chopper" (brute motorbike from halo 3) which I think sounds awesome.
However, to rain on my own parade, it is my opinion that as the current group of prometheans can all teleport , fly or climb up walls and jump like ninjas, that any promethean vehicles would be more purposed for firepower rather than mobility or speed.

However If a new class of promethean arrives, which would rock, maybe a more human promethean, then I see no reason why we could not usher in a new age of promethean vehicles with marvellous speed the like of which we have never ridden before...