HELP! Dominion Map "Road Bump"


Jan 20, 2013
Here is the link to all the pictures. I want to cut down on length, so there you go.

So with a seemingly "complete" Dominion map, you're probably wondering "Why do you need help? Looks like you've got mostly everything together". Structurally, I think most of that is set (if you don't agree with something or want to comment on that, go ahead). As many people know, Dominion isn't an easy game type to set up. Before I ask some questions, I just wanted to explain why it's called "Road Bump".

The Road Bump System (picture here) activates when A or C is fortified. In the picture, when A is fortified, both the Road Bump in the picture and the one you can kinda see to the right here are activated. They function as a vehicle-only one-way shield revolving around base control. Vehicles coming from A can continue to travel to B and C, but conversely no vehicle that's provided can travel to A. Visa-versa with C.

Anyways, here's what I need some input on:
  • Where should the spawns be (initial and respawn)? What about Base Respawn zones, how far should those extend? Anti-Spawns?
  • Which weapons should be included in the Objective Ordinance for each base? Any particular location? Initial and Random Ordinance outside of the bases?
  • The teleporters go from outside the A and C bases to ambush spots along the vehicle paths. Is this fair or not?
  • Any stipulations you can think of about the Road Bump system?
  • Any structural stipulations?
I'd really rather not provide an actual forge file since it's not done yet, but your input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


Jan 22, 2013
Colorado, USA
Looks good to me. I've never really tried to make a dominion map before so I can't be of any help on that. The only thing that worries me is that the vehicle paths might be kind of narrow. Bridges work for infantry, but for vehicles they're kind of narrow. Some room to maneuver would be helpful.