Feb 1, 2013
i need someone to please mod a gametype were the flood have fuel rods and the humans have black armour and good camo it would be really really helpfull:D
the reason i need this is because i am making a hide and seek map
i will mention your GT in the description.

thanks NS


Hello...Did some one mention the M word :laugh: unfortunately I am unable to mod atm as I'm having hard drive issues and if you don't believe me ask tomtris I messaged all my mates telling them my halo profile on my hard drive has crashed what is it you wanted though as its very limited as to what I can do as recently my laptop broke ;( not going well for me is it o_O
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Feb 1, 2013
i got help already but i am working on something else so if u can somehow mod so players cant get shot and rammed by the ghost
or make it so the ghost cant shoot that wood be really helpful:)


Feb 1, 2013
i got help already but i am working on something else so if u can somehow mod so players cant get shot and rammed by the ghost
or make it so the ghost cant shoot that wood be really helpful:)

Ghosts can always shoot, that's unmodable.

You can make that an honor rule, but there is no way to stop them.
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You mean they can be killed but not by the ghosts shots? Hmmm that would be hard to do once my stuff is fixed(will take a while) I will give it a shot would be likely you'd get banned for it though only works for certain mods online. :clown:
Feb 1, 2013
You mean they can be killed but not by the ghosts shots? Hmmm that would be hard to do once my stuff is fixed(will take a while) I will give it a shot would be likely you'd get banned for it though only works for certain mods online. :clown:
k well im triyng to make an oddball minigame so like its on forge island and its in a (not very well built) forest with rocks.
ok so it starts with the red team in ghosts and the blue team with the oddball and the ghosts r invincible so basically the red team
have to ram the blue team and the blue team can jump on the rocks which have soft kill zones so ten seconds before they have to hop off
which there would probably have ghosts around the rock so the oddball carrier (if he is smart) would throw the ball to a teamate when the
time runs out the teams switch objectives. so u like:)