Paintball Map Extravaganza (Submissions)


Jan 9, 2013
Tucson, AZ
(If you just want to get to the part where you submit maps, skip down until you see the big STOP)

Hey guys! So recently, I took it upon myself to create a Halo 4 Infinity Slayer-like Paintball gametype. corduroyCHUCK created a pretty good Paintball gametype, but it wasn't really what I was looking for. After extensive testing, I've created Infinity Paintball.
Infinity Paintball works like Infinity Slayer, except it's Paintball. There are 5 loadouts, the only difference between them being the Armor Abilities. There's Hardlight Shield (to save yourself from imminent doom), Jet Pack (for vertical mobility), Thruster Pack (to dodge those shots that are coming right at you), Hologram (to distract enemies and allow for you to escape), and Promethean Vision (to see your enemies coming and lay an ambush). All loadouts have a Plasma Pistol, Mobility, and Dexterity.
Ordnance comes in the form of Speed Boost, Overshield, and the Storm Rifle. Overshields will let you take between 2-4 hits from a Plasma Pistol, Speed Boost will help you cross distances, and the Storm Rifle gives you greater distance firepower and spraying capability. The Storm Rifle is balanced out by the Overshields, because it actually takes sustained fire with the Storm Rifle to bring down the Overshield.
I say all that because now I need some help from the community.

For all of you that skipped my explanation, STOP.
I need members of the community to forge some new Paintball Arenas. I have between 4 and 6 in the works, but I am new to forging. So I'd like some experienced forgers to help me out.

Submission Guidelines:
- Maps must be small to medium-large size. This gametype is meant for 4v4-8v8 games, so giant maps make the game tedious.
- Maps should contain Initial Ordnance drops of Overshields, Speed Boosts, and Storm Rifles. They don't have to, but they should.
- Maps should contain numerous sight blockers, some verticality, and safe respawn zones for both teams.
- Maps should NOT have weapons outside of the gametype (as in anything that isn't a Plasma Pistol or Storm Rifle) and should NOT have vehicles.
- Maps CAN have Plasma Turrets and Shade Turrets. Do not overuse these, they can break gameplay.

Submission Process:
- The gametype will be on my fileshare (FloydRTC95) before Jan 23, 12am (AZ time). Download it from there.
- Send me a message on HERE first if you have a completed map
- Messages must contain your gamertag, a name I can actually call you (because if your gamertag is something like "buttmunch803409" I will not call you by that), the map name, and a short description of the map.
- I will reply with a request for you to upload it to your fileshare, where I will download it and review it.
- Testing will take place at random intervals between the time I download the map, and the time I open official testing to the community.
- Testing will be open to the community on February 17th. I will host custom game lobbies for the next few weeks, testing out submitted maps and getting feedback.
- All submissions are due by March 4th, 12am (AZ time). After that, I will host custom lobbies for the next week to pick the best maps.
- I will announce the best maps on March 10th. After I have the list prepared, I will submit the map collection to The Halo Forge Epidemic with the gametype, in the hopes that they'll feature this community effort on their YouTube channel.

There is no real prize for this, besides your name and map being seen on THFE. This isn't about a prize, it's about fun, and that's what Halo is about. That, and killing aliens and giant space hula-hoops.
If there are little to no submissions, I will still be featuring community-made Paintball maps, but I will also include more of my own, and the chances THFE features these maps will slim.

Thank you all for your help, and Happy Forging!

a bored teen

Jan 20, 2013
Try making it ctf I'm a avid paintballer irl make it so you have 2 life's and you move slower, damage increased so it takes 4 shots to kill some one also give everyone one plasma


Jan 9, 2013
Tucson, AZ
I was actually thinking of making CTF, Dominion, and KoTH versions, but they wouldn't tweak lives and such. The gametype is supposed to be like Infinity Slayer, but changed to Paintball. More than a single shot to kill, slower movement, and a plasma grenade would break the gameplay. Plus, in testing, most people disliked slower movement, which is why there's a Speed Boost and Player Speed is 110%.
There are 2 other versions in progress, a Pro Mode and a Tactical Mode. Pro Mode makes it more than 1 shot to kill, no radar, no ordnance, 1-3 lives (debating how many would be best). Tactical Mode removes radar, makes the primary a Carbine and the secondary a Plasma Pistol, adds a Plasma Grenade, and health is increased, with only 1 life.
If you'd like to tweak it to your own liking, go ahead! I'd love to see it! And thanks for the picture, this looks like something someone could forge for their submission!

Oh, and as an announcement to everyone else, the gametype is now on my fileshare.


Jan 9, 2013
Tucson, AZ
Hey guys, bad news. If I don't have a submission by the 24th, I'm ending the submission contest. It's sad and all, but I haven't had a single submission and it's been almost a month. Not even a message about it. So that's the deal, if you have a submission, send it in by the 24th so I don't have to end the contest.