The Halo Community Matchmaking Project: An idea that might be right up your alley.

Time Glitch

Apr 2, 2013
Hey Everybody.

So, I had this crazy idea last night, and I put some work into conceptualizing it over the last few hours. Now, I'm trying to get as many people to see it as possible, so I know if there's any interest for it. It's called Halo Community Matchmaking.

Here's the skinny: Players get online and act as hosts for the various "Playlists" that are set up. These hosts will set up a custom game lobby, and simply rotate a set of gametypes and maps, very much like a Matchmaking playlist. They will flush out the players at the end of each game, and accept new ones for the next one. It requires a little bit of busywork on the end of the host, but fiddling around for 30 seconds to start up a new gametype/map every 15 minutes for 3-4 hours isn't that bad if you think about it. Especially if the hosts don't have much to do other than kill some time.

To join these matches, people would add various Silver accounts that were all tied to each "Playlist". Each of these tags would have a bunch of players added, but also guaranteed to have every host there as well.

Here is a google doc spreadsheet that players would use to see what Playlists are active, and what hosts are available.

Hosts would have access to this doc and be able to update what they were doing in real-time. Users would easily be able to see what games are running, and be able to join with relative ease.

I also set up a twitter account that would serve as an update outside of the doc itself.

I think this idea really has some merit. If enough people got involved, the community would have a hub to regularly play some of the missing parts of Halo 4, such as BTB Objective, or even the MLG or Unity settings. The great part is, it'd all be run by and for the players.

It's a little wonky, I'll admit, but with the right people hosting, I think this could really be something cool.

So what do you all think?


Dec 23, 2012
New York, New York
Three quick thoughts:
1. Hey man, long time no chat! What's going on??
2. Flushing players every lobby is *VERY* difficult to pull off smoothly. No matter how many people have you waiting, it's just not going to go smoothly. That said, if the games are long enough or if you do series (especially best of 3/5, winner gets to stay, that kind of thing), I think we could see something reasonable
3. Silver accounts just don't work. Check out the functionality we've got on this site, a better way to run it would be to set up multiple game lobbies here for each host. That way, if people want to get into a "lobby", they simply RSVP, and they're automatically sent to to send a message to the host. The host will be collecting tons of messages that keep pouring in, so you should never have a shortage of people to invite straight out of messages... theoretically. This is exactly what happens in our most popular game lobbies, but a random lobby is unlikely to garner that kind of attention right off the bat.

Time Glitch

Apr 2, 2013
1. Hey hey! Yeah man me and fuzzle were just talking about you earlier. You've gone quite far! As for me, this is pretty much it. It's the first major project I've done in years.

2. Flushing players is something I'm still looking at. Considering we haven't even hit a lobby limit yet, I don't even know if it'll come up until much later. I think I'm going to go with a "boot winning team, let losing team try to prove themselves" system.

3. This site is fantastic, but I don't want people to be required to go through here. The silver account system worked great for the first night of testing, unfortunately tonight was a complete no-show. But the system does work! Just needs players.