A while ago, I shouted out about the arrival of our newest Staff member, Nondual! It was a big deal. Good times were had. Everyone laughed.

Well as it turns out, our busy, busy Community Manager and lovable tyrant Insane54 has been hard at work. "Ohhhh..." you may be thinking, "I know what he's talking about!" But you don't, you arrogant shit, let me finish.

The truth is, after Nondual, we've received not one, not two, not three, not four, not six, not seven, not eight but FIVE new staff members! Give it up for...
I don't know who started it, but it turns out everyone's taking up the title of Guru here, there and everywhere. Embarrassingly enough, I think I'm the last one to catch on. Oh well! Give 'em a round of applause, everyone!

You know. Because gif's make posts less boring.

Secondly, I'd like to give a shout out to CO BOARDERS, TrickierHades and Berb, (who apparently goes by the name of 'Berb') since they've all been great enough to constantly welcome new members to our forums! If you've also been going around, welcoming, and I haven't noticed, I apologize. I've been too stupid and dumb to notice.

That's all for now! Thanks for reading ;)