Srs Bzns

Srs Bzns Open Staff Applications

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You might have noticed that our staff team has grown thinner since the end of last year. Well, that's why I'm here today! Simply put, we're looking for members to join our staff team. We aim to provide content and facilitate discussion here at HaloCustoms, so we need an active team of people who're invested in the Halo franchise. If that sounds like you, please take a gander below.

We want to make our team more diverse, so we're looking for event organizers, article writers, and lobby hosts. The application is for a general moderator position, however, so feel free to apply even if those specific responsibilities don't appeal to you.

What we expect:
• Be an active member of the forum
• Participate in discussions of events, articles, etc
• Write articles
• General moderation (bots, forum maintenance, etc)​

What we require:
• Must be proficient...​
Srs Bzns The Great Xbox Debate
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Update: I'm proud to announce that after the week-long poll, 81.8% of those that voted to share our ongoing vision for the future of HaloCustoms. I'll keep you posted on when these changes will take place along with a fairly substantial site update which is on track for next week.

For those enquiring about the inner workings of this new integration, I wanted to mention that we have been working on this functionality behind the scenes since November 2015 along with a roadmap of changes to the site which we hope you'll enjoy.

All the "Xbox" related features available now and into the future have been built from the ground up, specifically for HaloCustoms. This functionality is very much myself and TACTICS' digital baby and we're both very proud of what we have achieved and plan to in the future. For those simply interested in the API level of things we simply can't disclose anything of that nature due to a...

Srs Bzns [Raffle Over!] 20,000 Members!

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Quiz time. What's ((632952/ 657)*25)-4084.9315069? If you're not too partial to math like myself then I'll just tell you.

So, can you guess what this seemingly random number refers to? HaloCustoms has officially reached 20,000 members! To celebrate this milestone, were hosting a raffle for a Halo 5: Guardians: 9 Gold REQ Packs - Xbox One Digital Code. How do you enter? Easy. All you have to do is create a post in this thread describing your favorite experience with HaloCustoms! This could be that awesome killtacular you earned during an official lobby, or even just a humorous moment in the shoutbox. Anything goes! Just put some effort into it.


I'll lock this thread and...

Srs Bzns Announcing the HaloCustoms Official YouTube Channel!

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You read that bit right, we finally have our own YouTube channel! A few of you observant users may have noticed that little YouTube button that's been sitting at the bottom of the site for about a month now... or maybe not. During that time, we've been preparing and constructing the channel while also preparing ourselves (thanks for the Elgato by the way, Psychoduck) and finding time to do so in between our rather busy lives as of late.

Some of you may be asking yourselves "But why, uncle JiM, did HaloCustoms go ahead and started its own channel?" Well sit down, Bobbeh, and I'll let you in on a small tale. Once upon a time in the land of YouTube, there once was a noble YouTube channel called 'The Halo Forge Epidemic' or 'THFE' that was also partnered with the noble HaloCustoms website since the official launch of the site on January 9, 2013. The noble channel...

Srs Bzns A Call to Arms (and Keyboards)

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With the increasing prominence of Forge in Halo 5, the potential for awesome Custom Games has also grown. Many forgers are creating new maps every day and we've now reached the point where enough content exists that a steady flow of customs and lobbies can come to fruition.

Forgers yield a varied harvest. Some sow the seeds of entirely new Halo experiences while others strive to perfect the core Halo formula. Similarly, our members have come to love different types of maps and modes. We would like to provide the best possible avenue for users to experience the kinds of forge content they enjoy playing.

A Call to Arms
At HaloCustoms, we've always been a community founded on the principle of playing user created content. Our main goal is to provide a service that allows the community to organize and interact with each other in playing Customs...

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