
Esteemed Lemon


Esteemed Lemon
Cool Forza Horizon 5 Club now live!
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Outside of our occasional trip to the world of Minecraft and more recently the handful of "Opt-in" games over on Discord, a staple in the history of HaloCustoms has always been an in-game Car Club for every Forza title that features the majestic Warthog.

With Forza Horizon 5's full launch looming on the 9th I've taken the precautions to set things up once again, this time securing the coveted HALO tag (with FH3 we had to settle with "-HC-" and with FH4 "HAL0" which just isn't the same as the real thing).


FH5 Clubs are essentially treated like an extension of your friends list, allowing you to share screenshots, vinyls, tunes and race routes with the HaloCustoms community. More importantly is the enhanced bragging rights with leaderboards, both in individual events competing for the top spot amongst HC members/your friends and also on a global club vs...
Srs Bzns Site Update 04/11/21
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Following up with the recent updates over on the community Discord server, here's an update to fill you in on changes made over on the website also.

The major change you may have noticed is the migration of the LFG Host Rating system from the site over to Discord. Although this does strip away a lot of the features the site-based system had, the change was made to help promote cohesive user engagement. The "Road to Platinum Host" has been preserved however, both in earnable Discord roles and legacy trophies/badges here on Any progress you may have made towards becoming a Platinum Host has also been transferred over allowing hosts to pick up where they left off.

The elephant in the room however is the "Road to Customs Connoisseur" which was coined to reward players whom attended custom games and rated hosts with the same kinds of recognition in the long run. Although this feature wasn't able to...
Srs Bzns Site Update: 12/23/19
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I'd just like to give a quick shoutout to our new Discord family. This site update's dedicated to you guys.

Back in the days of old when Xbox 360's ruled the online gaming world, HaloCustoms used an RSVP based lobby system but with a twist... the ability to rate your host and for hosts themselves to rise to the ranks of "Gold Host", something unprecedented in the Halo community all the back in 2012.

Years later we tried a server browser style model for custom games with a tonne of bonus features and honestly it was a flop, with most people who put time into giving it a go wanting to return to the previous RSVP model for custom games. The advent of an official in-game server browser on Halo 5 also inspired us that our efforts were best spent elsewhere within this passionate community.

Srs Bzns Site Update: 06/08/18
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Fun Fact: it's been a whopping 589 days since the last major site update. But after over a week of downtime HaloCustoms is back with a fresh lick of paint and an array of QOL updates, just in time for E3 2018! :eek:

This ongoing upgrade (which is about 80% complete) is a complete and total overhaul of the site. My goal here is try and incorporate all the things that have made HC great over the years like a greatest hits album of sorts.

So let's break down some of the changes;

Media Stream

As well as being the home page; rather than just being a place new articles go to disappear into relative obscurity, the Media Stream is now a fully featured blog with all 522 posts categorised lovingly by hand. The option to filter media stream posts by author will also be available soon. Categories and Authors also get their own featured slider for their respective...
Cool Halo Weekender #Forzathon
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A month into the release of Forza Horizon 3 (A fun open world driving game set in Australia with a selection of included Halo themed content) is the first Halo themed community event. The Halo Weekender #Forzathon.

If you don't know much about the game or if you want to find out more about our car club, you can do so here.

This weekend event gives users the chance to earn 3 alternate Halo themed horns in game, as well as the chance to add another Warthog to your garage. Puma Power!

This event is live now until 9PM(EST) on Sunday 30th and contains the following challenges/rewards:


As you can see, completing these challenges also give you exclusive commemorative achievements. They're worth zero gamerscore but are still...

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