Cool Stuff

Cool Forza Horizon 5 Club now live!
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Outside of our occasional trip to the world of Minecraft and more recently the handful of "Opt-in" games over on Discord, a staple in the history of HaloCustoms has always been an in-game Car Club for every Forza title that features the majestic Warthog.

With Forza Horizon 5's full launch looming on the 9th I've taken the precautions to set things up once again, this time securing the coveted HALO tag (with FH3 we had to settle with "-HC-" and with FH4 "HAL0" which just isn't the same as the real thing).


FH5 Clubs are essentially treated like an extension of your friends list, allowing you to share screenshots, vinyls, tunes and race routes with the HaloCustoms community. More importantly is the enhanced bragging rights with leaderboards, both in individual events competing for the top spot amongst HC members/your friends and also on a global club vs...
Cool The Complete, Untold History of Halo
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If you're a long-time fan, you probably know a good deal about the history of the franchise. From its basement-dwelling origins, to the peak of its popularity, Halo's history is one chock-full of twists and turns.

Today, Vice's aptly named Waypoint released a retrospective article covering everything from Halo's origins to present. straight from the mouths of some of its creators. Most of the meat here has been shared publicly in the past, but never before has such a comprehensive compilation of historical Halo tidbits been published. In other words, even hardcore fans are bound to learn something they didn't already know.

Read the full article here.

What are some of your favorite stories from Halo's history?
Community Oddball, KotH, and Rocket Race are Back!
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Last December, Halo 5's Monitor's Bounty content update introduced the ability to create custom game modes via Forge scripting. This scripting system is fairly complex (and admittedly a little buggy at times), but that hasn't stopped AnonFriction from churning out three beloved classic Halo modes.

Anon, or Josh, volunteered his time as an on-site cartographer to help create the maps and modes which went live in the Action Sack playlist with the Monitor's Bounty update. Since then, he's put the scripting knowledge he gained there to work recreating classic game modes.

Rocket Race is one of the three modes AnonFriction has recreated so far
Josh has set each of his modes up as a prefab which can be easily dropped onto a map to set the modes up with only minor tweaks required. He's also gone arguably way over the top and set...

Community Celebrating Four Years of HaloCustoms!

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Today, HaloCustoms turns four years old.

The site's proverbial doors may not have officially opened until January of 2013, but it was December 23rd of 2012 when it first came online. The site's first eight members, BigStack, Insane54, Lights, Psychoduck, Titmar, Vincent Torre, MockKnizzle, and Tedium joined that day.


An early HC logo mockup from Titmar and yours truly

HaloCostumes was birthed during a turbulent time for the Halo community. Halo 4 had recently been released, and its controversial launch was bound to bring change of one sort or another. Despite many of us being concerned, even disappointed by the recent turn the franchise had taken, we were hopeful that we could create something special. Each member of the original staff team had previous...
Cool A Crate-full of Loot!
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In the last year or so, I've become a bit more interested in expanding my collection of gaming goods beyond the digital realm; a few posters, shirts, and hoodies as well as an adorable Elcor plushie have joined my library of collectibles. So, when I was contacted by Loot Crate and offered a pair of free Halo Crates, it wasn't a tough sell.

In return for the free goodies, I was asked to share my Loot Crate experience with all of you. As I hope most of you are aware, I wouldn't agree to vouch for anything besides a quality product. So, I hope you treat this review-of-sorts as genuine.

My first Halo Legendary crate arrived yesterday. The crate's interior sports a nifty grey-scale image of an ODST, this month's theme.


Inside lay an assortment of goodies which you can see below. These included a...

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