
Contest Par for the Course Battle Golf Forge Contest - RESULTS
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FORE!!! The results for our Par for the Course Battle Golf Forge Contest we re-announced back in May are in! While submissions for this contest were relatively low, judging went on as planned and our results are finalized. Prizes will go out as planned, however please note our source for the prizes, Ske7ch over at 343 Industries, has gone on vacation recently and prizes will not be sent out until he returns. Now, let us bring your attention onto the winners!

1st place
Bogey Desert by Almighty Nubs

Bogey Desert placed first as the terrain and general construction of the map is really well done and visually impressive. The terrain on this map works great for Battle Golf with enough natural obstacles like valleys and foliage to keep things...

Event Par for the Course Battle Golf Forge Contest

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It's time to dust off your irons and grab a caddy; Par for the Course is back!

Today, it is our pleasure to announce that we have partnered with the fine folks at 343 Industries to bring this event back into the fold. Our new partner was focused on the Ghost in the Shell Forge Contest until recently, but we hope you'll agree that the delay was well-worth it. Read up below for new details on prizes deadlines, and more!

In addition to the prizes listed below, we will of course be spotlighting the winners and runner-ups and also putting them through their paces in some community playdates, so don't feel bad if you hit a bogey!

1st place
  • Play Arts Halo: Reach Action Figure - Noble Six Mark V Red*
  • Halo 5 Wristwatch
  • Halo Wars: Definitive Edition digital code
  • Halo 5: Voices of War REQ Pack
  • Halo...

Event Par for the Course Contest Update

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Over the duration of our Par for the Course Battle Golf Forge Contest, we've been a bit concerned by low turnout. Battle Golf is an awesome, fun, and unique game mode in need of exciting new courses to be played on. However, the original course in the Action Sack playlist also set a precedent for maps making heavy use of scripting. Despite our assurance that contest entries do not require these scripted elements, this likely intimidated several would-be contestants. The prizes on offer also were admittedly rather underwhelming: we initially wanted this to be a simple contest with a short timeframe and set the prize pool accordingly.

Halo 5_ Forge 2_18_2017 2_43_12 PM.png

Golf Coast by why

Recently, however, we were contacted by a new partner...
Event Par for the Course Contest Extension
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We have decided to extend the deadline for our Par for the Course Battle Golf Forge Contest by three weeks! This will place the deadline approximately a month from now, more than enough time to start a submission of your own if you haven't yet done so. We understand Battle Golf is a complex mode to forge for, especially for those of you going the extra mile to script your maps to change each round. We'd like to remind you all that this is not a requirement, but e certainly don't want to discourage entrants from doing so with an early deadline either.

New deadline: February 19th at 11:59 PM EST

If you need a bit of inspiration, check out these Battle Golf courses which have already been created!

Gingerbread Falls by original Battle Golf creator...

Event Par for the Course Battle Golf Forge Contest

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Welcome, everyone, to HaloCustoms' Par for the Course Battle Golf Forge Contest! With the release of the new Mini Game mode and forge options in the recent Monitor's Bounty update, we at HC decided the time was ripe for our first mini game-oriented contest in a very long time. Battle Golf is a new official mini game created by 343 Industries in which two teams compete to knock their golf balls into a central hole. The single course currently present in the Action Sack playlist is the home of all sorts of insane shenanigans, but it also seems a bit lonely. That's why we'd like to see each of you put your own unique spin on Battle Golf with courses of your own!

If you haven't played Battle Golf yet (you probably should), you can see the game mode in action below. Documentation on how to script Battle Golf can be downloaded...

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