
Deals Deals with Gold: May 24th

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Greetings one and all, for it is that slightly overdue time to cover this week's Deals with Gold!

There is quite a lot on offer this week on both systems making it quite difficult to make a fair recommendation.

Over on Xbox One there seems to be a focus on indie titles. The best value of which is OlliOlli, a hard as nails 2D arcade skateboarding game at 80% off. I've played it on PC and it's pretty fun.

Over on Xbox 360 is what Microsoft is branding the "Super Sale". There is a selection backwards compatible titles on offer as well as other popular titles. I mark content that is backwards compatible with :awesome: and titles that have been confirmed to become backwards compatible but are not yet available will be marked with a humble :doge:.

As per the usual, all of this week's deals for both systems can be found below...

Deals Deals with Gold: May 17th

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An interesting week is upon us once more for shooter fans.

Over on Xbox One this week Just Cause 3 and The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt can both be picked up for 50% Off. Both of which being AAA titles from the end of last year that you may not have gotten around to playing yet. It's also worth noting that Battlefield 4 Final Stand is free this week to add to your Battlefield DLC collection.

On Xbox 360 an exciting turn of events has occurred...

Deals Deals with Gold: May 10th

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All good things must come to an end. Compared to the last 2 weeks of sale items, it's truly slim pickings. :p

On Xbox One the highlight here is Elite Dangerous Standard Edition at 50% off. From what I hear it's one of the best 'space combat' games out there right now. It's known for being a stellar VR game on PC, but there's no reason it can't be an enjoyable experience on the Xbox One also.

Over on Xbox 360, this week's sale is looking a bit fishy... My recommendation lies simply with the GRID 2 All-In Pack at 50% off. This is certainly a situational recommendation however. If you've been playing Grid 2 recently to your own enjoyment via Games with Gold, buy this to make it the...

Deals Deals with Gold: May 3rd

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If you thought last week was pretty good, it 'ain't got a patch on this week's sale.

With discounts as high as 100% off and a selection of Halo titles on sale, what more could you ask for. Saying that however, unfortunately Halo Wars isn't on sale. :(

On Xbox One the highlight of this weeks offerings is certainly the two items of DLC that are 100% off this week. The Battlefield 4 Dragon’s Teeth and Battlefield Hardline Robbery expansions are completely free this week. EA Access members can also get Battlefield Hardline Premium this week, absolutely free!


Deals Deals with Gold: April 26th

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Huzzah, finally a week of content on sale that isn't complete and utter tripe. :p

Over on Xbox One the highlights this week are Alien: Isolation at 60% off and Assassin’s Creed Syndicate at 45%. The former is certainly the better deal here and that game is also to a much higher critical acclaim but in all honesty, it could be "2 Spoopy 4 U". So rather than a single recommendation this week, feel free to pick your poison.

On Xbox 360 this week my recommendation rests on the shoulders of Stalking Simulator 2007...

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